Part 99: Twin Towers 1
Whew. Still technically on time, as it's still Sunday here.
Welcome back!

I'm sure that won't be necessary.

And that's what I was afraid of.
All right, let's get this show on the road.

Even this single screen of beach has some goodies.
The cave bread, by the way, is the speed seed y'all were voting on earlier.

Okay, now onto our destination.

Guess we need to walk all the way around.


Yeah, how dare they search ancient Angelounian ruins while they're hunting down pieces of the Spirit Stone?

The south gate is, as stated, locked. We'll circle around the east, first.

Scenery ain't much to look at.

And here we've got the only enemy type in this dungeon.

Fuck these guys. They usually spawn too far apart to hit more than one with a Burn!.

They also have a full-screen tech that inflicts Magic Block. Hope you stocked up on those scrolls back in Luc!

Despite everyone having Metal Frogs equipped (+3 vs. Move and Magic Block), Justin and Sue get hit.

They can also do this.

It does exactly what it sounds like.
And yes, it actually heals them, unlike Madragon's Healer spell.

Fuck Medusa Dancers.

We soon find ourselves at a dead-end, with a treasure chest.
Containing a single Spell Breaker scroll.

If you try to go around to the other side of the barricade, around the northern edge, you get stopped by this wall of rubble here.

Thankfully, the door is already open.


With only the one Spell Breaker left, Feena takes it so she can heal the group.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate since I began to play. There are six hundred seventy-six thousand, nine hundred and ten kilobytes that make up this game's ISO. If the word "hate" were inscribed in each thirty-two bit word of those millions of bytes, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for Medusa Dancers at this micro-instant. For them. Hate. Hate.

Fuck you, you gonna take away my magic? I'll still burn your asses!
Yeah, I didn't realize up 'till now that the Frog Axe can cast Burn! when used as an item.

Admittedly, it is cathartic as shit to just go nuts on these guys.

Didn't think I'd have to go back to Rah-Rah again. 25 HP isn't a lot, but at least it casts instantly.

Feena's apparently been teaching Sue what a good level looks like.

So here's the real meat of the puzzle here. You're literally in a maze. Once you get to the end, you can hit the button to make that face disappear and get on to the next area.

Wherein Sue gains a Mace level.

Followed by a Bow level in the very next fight.

This springy thing with teeth serves as the trap for this dungeon.

Wh-... huh?

Moving on, we get some treasure. Vacuum scrolls cast a 100-power Howlslash on all enemies.

Fuckin' Medusa Dancers. Tornado lasers are too good for you assholes.

The Block Charm, appropriately enough, gives immunity to Magic Block.
A chest nearby, however, holds an important treasure.

Unlike a Resurrection Potion, the Revival Stone triggers automatically as soon as the holder is knocked out.
For obvious reasons, this goes straight into Justin's pockets.

Elsewhere, we find the Sudden Death Charm. Also grants immunity to its associated status.

Fire Whipping a group of Medusa Dancers gives Feena Whip and Fire levels.

Shit! Busted!
Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion!
(It's cutscenes. A whole bunch of cutscenes.)